A Cloudy Evening: Taken just before it started pouring down in buckets, View from Alappuzha, Paravoor

A man rushing away holding his catch: View from Fort Kochi, Ernakulam. Fisherman used to dock their boats to sell of their catch at the dock of FortKochi. The sight is very rich with several onlookers and boats full of fishes all set in the backdrop of 'Cheenavala' engrossed in the golden ray of setting sun. 

A macroscopic view of the microscopic world. This is photo of the weeds growing around the garden of my house.

A Deer wandering around in the Deer park of Thripunitura Palace. The palace sprawling in an area of around 55 acres is a vibrant view. The palace sitting atop is surrounded by a splendid garden circling down to the bottom of the hill. The palace houses a Park that is abounding with deers.

This is small cave like opening seen in the premises of Thripunitura palace. It is featured in several malayalam films.

Shot on the way to Kozikode from Intercity Express

Snapped from inside the forest of silent valley hills

Shot taken from Silent valley

These are some of my favorite photos taken using the camera of my Nokia 7210 mobile phone.

Fort Kochi

Cheena vala: Fort Kochi



marine drive


Marine drive


hb\mS³ Npc¯neqsS …………………

C¶pw ]¨]pX¨p \n¡m³ `mKyw kn²n¨ tIcf¯nse A]qÀÆw `q{]tZi§fn H¶v.  hb\mS³ bm{Xbv¡p X¿msdSp¡pt¼mÄ a\kn BZyw tXm¶nbXv CXmbncp¶p. IYIÄ Gsdt¡«n«p­v hb\mS³ ImSpIsf¡pdn¨pw ae\ncIsf¡pdn¨pw. ]gÈnbpsS t]mcm«§Ä¡v ad]nSn¨ ImSnsâ h\yamb kuµcyw , \qäm­pIÄ¡¸pds¯ IY ]dbp¶ CSbv¡Â Kpl, im´kpµcamb ]qt¡mSp XSmIw. Gsdbp­v ImWm³ ChnsS. 
hb\mSns\ Ipdn¨v Hcev]w…………
1980, \h¼À H¶mw XnbXn tIcf¯nse 12þaXv Pnà BbmWv hb\mSv ]ndhn sImÅp¶Xv. ]­v ambt£{X F¶dnbs¸«ncp¶p. ]n¶oSv AXv tem]n¨v ab\mSpw hb\mSpw Bbn XoÀ¶p. PnÃbpsS `qcn`mKhpw h\ {]tZiambncps¶¦nepw C¶Xv Gsd Npcp§n¡gnªp. sN¼dbmWv PnÃbnse Gähpw DbÀ¶ ae. {][m\ Pe t{kmXkmIs« I_\nbpw. ]\acw, am\´hmSn, Imfnµn F¶n§s\ aq¶v ssIhgnIfmWv I_\n¡pÅXv.  I¸äbmWv PnÃbpsS BØm\w. ]pcmX\ kwkvImcw Im¯p kq£n¨p \mKcnIXbpambn AI¶p Ignbp¶ BZnhmknIsf hb\m«n C¶pw ImWm³ Ignbpw.   
ssiXyw D¨ØmbnemWhnsS F¶v hb\m«nse Hcp kply¯v ap¶dnbn¸v \ÂInbncp¶Xn\m I¼nfn Ip¸mbw BZyta Xs¶ IcpXn. Unkw_À apX s^{_phcn hscbmWv ChnsS XWp¸pImew.  ss_t\m¡pedpw ]ns¶ c­pw jÀ«pw. X¿msdSp¸pIÄ CXn HXp§n. 
FdWmIpfw PwKvj\n \n¶pw AXncmhnsebpÅ Xoh­n¡mWv bm{X XpSt§­Xv. AXn\m Xte Znhkw Xs¶ kply¯pw ]{X{]hÀ¯I\pamb kµo]nsâ ^vfmän A`bw tXSn. cmhnse 6.50 \pÅ CâÀknän FIkv{]kn tImgnt¡mSv hsc. Sn¡äv FSp¯p ht¨mfmw F¶v Zn]n³ Gän«p­v. 
kenw Aensbt¸mse Adnbs¸Sp¶ Hcp ]£n \nco£I³ BIWsa¶mWv Zn]nsâ B{Klw. kÀÆ ]£nIfpsS BKteb \ma§fpw At±l¯n\v ImWm¸mSw. amIv_n tdm_n³ F¶n§s\bpÅ t]cpIÄ CSbv¡nsS D¨cn¡psa¦nepw Bfv \ncp]{ZhImcnbmWv.  
C¯hWs¯ bm{X hb\m«nte¡mhs« F¶p \nÀt±in¨Xv Zn]n\mWv. kµo]pw asämcp kply¯v Pbnwkpw Bthit¯msS ]n´pWs¨¦nepw Ahkm\ \nanjw Imephmcn. Ahtijn¨Xv kl{]hÀ¯Icmb A\q]pw A\ojpw D®nIyjvW\pw Zn]n\pw. 
sdbnÂth tÌj\nte¡v……..
AXncmhnse kµn]v Fs¶ At±l¯nsâ CcpN{Ihml\¯n FdWmIpfw ku¯v sdbnÂthtÌj\n F¯n¨p. ASp¯pÅ tlm«en \n¶v R§Ä Hmtcm Imen Nmb IqSn¨p icocw NqSm¡n. Ggmw \¼À t_mKnbn _m¡nbpÅhÀ t\cs¯ Xs¶ F¯nbn«p­v. At§mt«¡v F´mbmepw Csöv kµo]v. Imep hmcnbXp ImcWw h¶m icnbmhnsöv ]dªv kµo]v XncnsIt¸mbn.  Rm³ s{Sbn³ e£yam¡n Bªv \S¶p. BsI aqSn¸pX¨v XWp¸ns\ shÃphnfn¨v \mev BÄcp]§Ä. Bdp aWn¡p Xs¶ FÃmhcpw F¯nbncp¶p. Xoh­n GXm­v \ndªp Ignªncps¶¦nepw koäv ]nSn¨n«ncp¶Xv sIm­v _p²napt«­n h¶nÃ. bm{X¸pds¸Sm³ C\nbpw AcaWn¡pÀ IqSnbp­v.
I¿n IcpXnbpcp¶ Iymad FSp¯p Rm\pw Zn]n\pw X¿mdmbn. tkmWnbpsS ssk_À tjm«v BWv Fsâ ssI¿nÂ, Zn]nsâ Im\Wnsâ Hcp sÌUn tjm«pw. IyXyw 6.50 \p Xs¶ Xoh­n¡p Poh³ h¨p. P\mebv¡ecpIn Ccp¶ A\q]nsâ ssI¿nte¡p Rm³ Iymad ssIamdn. A\ojv t\cs¯ Xs¶ Dd§n. cm{Xn Dd§msXbncp¶p tPmen sNbvXXnsâ £oWw. A[nIw sshImsX R§fpw ab§n. tImgnt¡mSv F¯mdmbt¸mgmWv I®p Xpd¶Xv. 
A view: Inside Train

Death of River: The once mighty 'Bharatapuzha' is now gasping, trying to pump up its veins in a rather vain effort. This is one of paining sight we came across in our journey.
sdbnÂthbpsS Imcy£aXbv¡p \µn. tImgnt¡mSv F¯nbXv Hcp aWn¡pÀ sshIn. C\nbpÅ bm{X _knemWv. At\zjn¨t¸mÄ tImgnt¡mSv ]pXnb _Ìm³UnemWv t]mtI­sX¶v a\knembn. Hcp Intemaoädntesd Zqcw. \«p¨ t\cambXn\m Hmt«mdn£sb B{ibn¡m³ Xocpam\n¨p. c­v Hmt«mdn£Ifnembn Hcpan¨mWv bm{X Xncn¨sX¦nepw R§Ä c­v Øes¯¯n. aq¶v t]À ]pXnb Ìm³Unepw tijn¡p¶hÀ ]Wn]qÀ¯nbmIm¯ {Sm³kvt]mÀ«v Ìm³Unepw. A\q]ns\ hnfn¨t¸mÄ AhÀ Ìm³Un\Sp¯pÅ tImÀWÀ tlm«en _ncnbmWn AI¯m¡ns¡m­p Im¯ncn¡phmsW¶v Adnbm³ Ignªp.  AcUk³t^m¬ ImfpIÄ¡p tijw ]ckv]cw Is­¯nbt¸mtg¡pw 12.30 Ignªp. 
HcpaWntbmsS am\´hmSnbnte¡pÅ sI.Fkv.BÀ.Sn.kn _kn CSw ]nSn¨p. GItZiw c­v aWn¡pÀ bm{XbmWv tImgnt¡mSp \n¶v am\´hmSn¡v. I_\n \ZnbpsS ssIhgnIfnsem¶nsâ Xoc¯v ØnXnsN¿p¶ Ipdphm Zzn]mWv R§fpsS BZy e£yw. 
B]qÀÆ C\w ]£nIfptSbpw hntijs¸«bn\w ]¨acp¶pIfpsSbpw HmÀ¡nUpIfpsSbpw h³ tiJcw Ipdphm Zzo]nsâ {]tXyIXbmWv. GItZiw 950 G¡dn ]c¶p InS¡p¶ Zzo]kaplw B[q\oIXbn \n¶v AI¶v kam[m\w Imw£n¡p¶hÀ¡pÅ {]IyXnbpsS k½m\amWv. I_\nsb c­mbn hIªp amänbmWv Ipdph \nesImÅp¶Xv. \ZnPe \nc¸p Xmgp¶tXmsS {][m\ Zzo]n\v Npäpambn \nch[n sNdp Zzo]pIÄ DbÀ¶p hcpw. 
hb\mS³ Npc¯nepsS…….
hniz{]kn²amb hb\mS³ Npc¯neqsSbpÅ bm{X {Xkn¸n¡p¶ A\p`hambncp¶p. sN¦p¯mb ae\ncIfnepsS sh«nb hgn¯mcIfneqsS hml\§Ä Ifn¸m«w IWs¡ Cgªp \o§p¶Xv _knsâ P\mebneqsS ImWmw. Hcev]w ]ng¨m slbÀ ]n³ hfhpIfnepsS bm{X Ahkm\n¡p¶Xv AKm[amb sIm¡bnembncn¡pw. AXpsIm­p Xs¶ hfsc {i²n¨pw ]Xp¡bpamWv ss{UhÀ _kv HmSn¡p¶Xv. XWp¸v Acn¨cn¨v F¯p¶p­v.  sNhnbSªp. Xebv¡p t\cnb `mcw. aÀ² hyXymkw A\p`hs¸«p XpS§n. c£s]Sm³ H¶p ab§n. am\´hmSn F¯nbXv AdnªnÃ. 
am\´hmSn henb Hcp Su¬ BWv. \nch[n hym]mc Øm]\§fpw kÀ¡mÀ Øm]\§fpw Hs¡bpÅ Su¬. ]W¯n\mbn Fän. Fw tXSnb R§Ä¡v A[nIw sa\s¡SmsX Hsc®w Is­¯m\mbn. \o­ Iyp. kv{XnIfpw Ip«nIfpw Hs¡bp­v IyqhnÂ. t\cmh®w D]tbmKn¡m\dnbm¯Xn\m Gsd kabw FSp¯mWv Htcmcp¯cw ]Ww ]n³hen¡p¶Xv. 
Po¸v bm{X…….
Arriving at Kuruva Guest House from Manathavadi, Vayanad. Drive was tiring with virtually no road at many places

am\´hmSnbn \n¶v 17 In.an. bmWv Ipdphbnte¡pÅ Zqcw. 200 cq]bv¡p hcmsa¶v Hcp Po¸v ss{UhÀ Gäp. Ibdm³ XpS§pt¼mtg¡pw 100 cq] IqsS thWsa¶mbn. C\nbpw hm¡p amdnà F¶ Dd¸n³ ta R§Ä AXn Ibdn. {][m\ tdmUv D¶X \nehmcw ]peÀ¯p¶ps­¦nepw Ipdphbnte¡pÅ sNdnb tdmUv XIÀ¶v \mamhtijamb \nebnemWv. Po¸v Xs¶ hfsc _p²nap«nbmWv AXneqsS HmSp¶Xv. Znhkw 5000þ A[nIw hnt\mZk©mcnIÄ CXnepsS bm{XsN¿p¶p­v F¶p IqSn HmÀ¡pI. hgn¡v Nne sNdnb ISIfpw \mS³ tlm«epIfpw Ds­¶sXmgn¨m XnI¨pw hnP\amWnhnSw. ssk³ t_mÀUpIÄ Ds­¦nepw \ndw a§n ImWm\mhm¯ \nebnemWv. _kv dq«msW¦nepw GXm\w Nne _ÊpIÄ am{Xta CXp hgnbpÅp.

Discussing with the keeper of the Guest house, just after arriving at Kuruva Dweep.
Ipdphbn R§Ä F¯nbt¸mtg¡pw sshIpt¶cw 4.30 Ignªp. dÌv lukn F¯nbt¸mgmWdnªXv Im«m\ Cd§nbXn\m C¶v {]thi\w A\phZn¨n«nà F¶v. \nch[nt¸À \ncmicmbn aS§p¶p­mbncp¶p. NneÀ B\ Ft¸mÄ ImSp Ibdpw F¶p DtZyKØtcmSp tNmZn¡p¶p­mbncp¶p. AXv B\bvt¡ Adnbp,” F¶v adp]Sn. R§Ä GXmbmepw Ipdphbn X§m³ Xocpam\n¨p. 
Sn¡äv \nc¡v……..
sshIn«v 3.30bv¡p ap¼v F¯nbnsæn Zzn]nte¡p {]thi\w e`n¡nÃ. sshIpt¶cw 4.30 \p XncnsI Cd§pIbpw thWw. Zzo]nte¡v IS¡m³ N§mShpw t_m«pw e`yamWv. Bsfm¶p¡v 10 cq]bmWv NmÀPv.  Iymad IcpXnbn«ps­¦n 30 cq] A[nIw \ÂIWw. ImSns\ ASp¯dnbWw F¶pÅhÀ¡v thWsa¦n Zzo]n\pÅn GdpamS¯n Xmakn¡mhp¶XmWv. 750 cq]bv¡p apIfnemhpw ^okv. 
A morning view of the tributary of Kabani and flows parting the island

R§Ä Xmak kuIcyw GÀ¸mSpsNbvXncp¶Xv Un.än.]n.knbpsS dÌv luknemWv. Zzo]n\v sXm«Sp¯mWnXv. dÌv luknsâ a«p¸mhn \n¶m Zzo]ns\bpw Npän HgpIp¶ I_\nsbbpw I¬ IpfnÀs¡ ImWmw. Znhk hmSI 900 cq]bmWv. `£Ww t\cs¯ ]dªnsæn In«pIbnÃ. Bdv aWntbmsS {]tZihmknIÄ ISIfS¨v t]mIpw. cm{Xn B\bnd§psa¶Xn\m am\´hmSnbnte¡v t]mIm\pamInÃ. IqSn BtemN\IÄ¡v tijw dÌvlukv Poh\¡mÀ R§Ä¡v Ahkm\w N¸m¯nbpw ap«¡dnbpw D­m¡n¯cmw Ft¶äp.  
I_\nbn Hcev]t\cw…….

Plastic guide lines tied across kabani between boat yard and Kuruva Island to help travelers reach island.
Bdp aWntbmsS IpdphmZzn]n R§Ä A©v t]À am{Xw tijn¨p. XWp¸v Gdns¡m­ncp¶p. XWp¯ shůn ap§n Ipfn¡m³ th­n R§Ä I_\nbnte¡v \S¶p. im´ambn A´co£w. B\ Cd§nbXv \¶msb¶v tXm¶n. Imänsâ XtemS Gäv a[pNjI§fpambn R§Ä Aev]t\cw {]IyXntbmSv skmd]dªv I_\nbpsS Xoc¯v Ccp¶p. t\cw Ccp«n XpS§n. \Znbnte¡v Hcev]w \S¶p Ibdn Hcp ]md¸pd¯mWv R§fpsS Ccn¸v. Nne CS§fn ]mdbv¡v hgp¡eps­¦nepw BganÃm¯Xn\m \S¡m³ _p²nap«nÃ. ]ckv]cw t^mt«msbSp¯v A¸kabw Nnehn«t¸mtg¡pw Imh¡msc¯n B\ho­pw Cd§nbp«ps­¶v ap¶dnbn¸v. AhÀ sXfn¨p X¶ tSmÀ¨v sseänsâ shfn¨¯n R§Ä dÌv lukn\Sp¯pÅ IShnte¡p ]n³hm§n.  Iq«¯n ]ecpsSbpw ImepIÄ \nebnÃm Ib¯n F¶t]mse Xpgbp¶p­mbncp¶p.
Boat meant for transporting visitors across the Kabani to the Kuruva Island. Besides, there were also 'changadam' made by tying bamboos together were also available. There is also a chance to row around the island through Kabani.
t_m«v bmÀUnse tIm¬{Ioäv ]mInb ]Sns¡«pIfn R§Ä Ccp¶p. t\cnb \nemth DÅpsh¦nepw \£{X§Ä hmcn hnXdnb BImi¯nsâ kuµcyw R§sf {`an¸n¨p. \\p \\p¯ \nemhnsâ elcnbn aqfn¸m«v D¨Ømbnte¡p IS¶p. Aev] kab¯n\pÅn Xs¶ hni¸v DZcs¯ ImÀ¶p Xn¶m³ XpS§n. dÌv lukv Poh\¡mÀ N¸m¯n ap«¡dnbpw X¿mdm¡nbn«p­mbncp¶p. XWp¸v AklyambXn\m dqante¡v aS§m³ Xocpam\n¨v R§Ä Fgpt¶äp. Xmsg dÌv lukv Poh\¡mÀ IcnbneIÄ Iq«nbn«v I¯n¡p¶p­mbncp¶p. `£W¯n\p tijw Aev]w kabw R§Ä Aev]w t\cw AhnsS ssIImepIÄ NqSp]nSn¸n¨p. Ipd¨p amdn IShn\¸pd¯v \m«pImcnsemcmÄ ao³ ]nSn¡p¶p­v. Zn]n³ sasà At§mt«¡p \S¶p.

IqÀ¡w hen..

I®pIÄ¡v `mcw A\p`hs¸«p XpS§nbXn\m Rm\pw A\q]pw apdnbnte¡p \S¶p. InS¶Xpw A\p]v  IqÀ¡w hen XpS§n. A\hsc t]Snt¨mSp¶ i_vZw. Ipd¨p kabw Im¯ncps¶¦nepw HSphn \nÀ¯enÃmsXbpÅ IqÀ¡henbn Dd¡w \jvSs¸«v Rm³ apdn¡p ]pd¯nd§n. a«p¸mhn c­v t]À¡v kpJambn InS¡mw. I\¯ XWp¸p­mbncp¶Xn\m I¼nfnbn tZlamkIew aqSn¸pX¨v AhnsS Dd§m³ InS¶p. cm{Xnbn Ft¸mtgm DWÀ¶t¸mÄ F\n¡p Iq«mbn Zn]n\pw sXm«¸pd¯p Øm\w ]nSn¨Xmbn I­p. apdn¡pÅn tImemlew Bt¸mgpw \ne¨ncp¶nÃ. XWp¸v AklyambtXmsS cmhnse A©ctbmsS Dd¡w Ahkm\n¸n¨p. aªv aqSn¸pX¨p InS¡p¶ \ZoXoc¯nepsS Aev] Zqcw \S¶p. Xpd¶ncp¶ sNdnb Nmb¡Sbn \n¶p NqSp Nmb Hcp IhnÄ Ign¨t¸mÄ Aev]w Bizmkw tXm¶n.
From left: Anoop, Anish at Boat Jetty. Enjoying the mist and the coolness lingering still. It is about 6.30 a.m. in the morning and the place is still uninhabited.
A bird resting on a partly submerged rock along the tributary of Kabani, a morning view.
Kabani, a morning view. During night the place is extremely cold, making it almost impossible to roam around. However, when the mornings breaks out you will be rewarded with this beautiful sight.
Im«m\IÄ Ct¸mgpw Zzn]n Xs¶ NpänbSn¡p¶ps­¶v Nmb¡S¡mc³ ]dªdnªp. ]¯p hÀj¯n CXmZyamWt{X Ipdphbn B\bnd§p¶Xv. IjvSImew AÃmsX´p ]dbm³. cmhnse ]¯p aWntbmsS Zzn]nte¡p {]thi\w e`n¡nsöpd¸mbn. HSphn Ipdphmbn \n¶v bm{X XpScm³ R§Ä Xocpam\n¨p. ASp¯ e£yw ao³ ap«n shŨm«amWv. ChnsS \n¶pw GItZiw 50 In.an AIsebmWv ao³ ap«n. Ipdph hnSpw ap¼v kao]s¯ ISIbn \n¶v \Ãbn\w sXbnebpw sNdptX\pw Ipd¨p hm§n. Ac¡nte sNdp tX\n\v 175 cq]bmWv hne. sXbnebpsS hne 50 cq] apXÂ. 
One of the many tea estates that sprawls around Meenmutty. A window view.
ASp¯ Ihenbn \n¶v _kv In«pw F¶v dÌv lukv amt\PÀ ]dªp. Ing¡mw Xp¡mb hgnbneqsS GItZiw Hcp IntemaoäÀ \Ss¶¯nbt¸mgmWdnbp¶Xv BsIbp­mbncp¶ _kv tISmbn¡nS¡pIbmsW¶v. Ipd¨v \S¶t¸mÄ ]mÂshfn¨w Fs¶mcp Ihebnse¯n. AXp hgn IS¶p h¶ Hmt«m¡mc³ 200 cq]bv¡p am\´hmSnbn F¯n¡mw Ft¶äp. Iq­pw Iqgnbpw \ndª tdmUneqsSbpÅ bm{X \SpshmSn¨p. ChnsS\n¶pw I¸ä F¯Ww. XpSÀ¶v AhnsS\n¶pw ao³ap«n. I¸äbn \n¶pw 29 In.an. bmWv ao³ ap«n¡v. 
hb\m«nse Gähpw hepXpw BIÀjIhpamb shŨm«amWv ao³ap«n. aq¶v L«§fnembn ]Xn¡p¶ shŨm«¯n\v 300 aoädne[nIw Dbcap­v. \n_nU h\¯nepsS 2.30 In.an. \S¶p Ibdnbm am{Xta shŨm«¯n\Sp¯v F¯pIbpÅp. ]mX XnI¨pw ZpÀLShpw A]ISw \ndªXpamWv. Ip¯s\bpÅ Ibänd¡§Ä icocs¯ At§bäw £oWn¸n¡pw. F¶m Cu £oWsaÃmw Iqä³ ]mdbn X«ns¯dn¨v ]m hÀ®¯n Xmtg¡p ]Xn¡p¶ shŨm«¯n\Sp¯v F¯pt¼mÄ A{]Xy£amIpw. ]¯p t]cS§p¶ kwL¯n\p 300 cq]bmWv {]thi\ ^okv. ¹mÌnIv Ip¸nIÄ ssIhiw Ds­¦n 100 cq] A[nIw \ÂtI­n hcpw. AXv XncnsI In«pw ¹mÌnIv amen\yw FhnsSbpw hens¨dpªnsænÂ. ao³ aq«nsb ¹mÌn¡n \n¶p c£n¡m\mWv CXv. 
Im¸nt¯m«§Ä¡nSbneqsS t_knens\m¸w……..
On the way to Meenmutty falls through deep forest.
One of the several view along the climb down to Meenmutty waterfalls.
R§Ä¡v ssKUmbn t_kn F¶ ¹kv h¬ hnZymÀYnbmWv F¯nbXv. Znhkw IpdªXv aq¶v XhW t_kn ae Ibdn Cd§pw. ]mÀss«admbn tPmen t\m¡p¶ t_kn i\nbpw Rmbdpw am{Xta ao³ ap«nbn hnt\mZ k©mcnIsf klmbn¡m³ F¯pIbpÅp. t_knensâ ktlmZc\pw ChnsS tPmen t\m¡p¶p­v. 
Im¸nt¯m«§Ä¡nSbnepsS R§sfbpw sXfn¨p sIm­v t_kn \S¶p XpS§n. A\mbmtk\ \S¶p \o§p¶ t_knens\m¸ F¯m³ ]t£ R§Ä¡v ]et¸mgpw IgnªnÃ. hgn¡v sXep¦pw I¶Sbpw DÄs¸sSbpÅ `mjIÄ kwkmcn¡p¶ \nch[n k©mcnIsf I­pap«n.

\S¶p £oWn¡pt¼mÄ hn{ian¡m³ CS¯mhf§fp­v. hS§fn Xq§nbpw ]md¡ÃpIÄ NmSn¡S¶papÅ bm{X {iaIcamb Hcp ZuXyambn.  ]pen, IcSn, am³ XpS§nb ayK§Ä ChnsSbps­¶v t_kn Im Ip¯m\pÅ Øew am{XamWv ]ebnS§fnepw DÅXv. hgnbn \S¡m\mhmsX XfÀ¶p InS¡p¶ Hcp kv{Xnsbbpw Ahsc ]cnNcn¡p¶ KmÀUpamscbpw I­p. AhÀ GXmbmepw C\n apt¶m«nà F¶p ]dªp. 22 KmÀUpamcmWv ao³ ap«nbn kpc£m tPmen¡pÅXv.  
The Water falls of Meenmutty. The place gives us an impression that we are some where deep inside the forest and has discovered one of the most beautiful falls till now. Visiting the place is worth as it gives pleasure of trekking and waterfalls both at the same time.
Meenmutty falls, another view.
Meenmutty falls
GItZiw c­p aWn¡psdSp¯p shŨm«¯n\Sps¯¯m³.  ØSnIw t]mse sXfnª XWp¯ shůn ap§nbpÀ¶t¸mtg¡pw £oWsaÃmw AI¶p. \o´ednbm¯Xn\m shůn A[nI kabw sNehn«nÃ. ]e XhW sX¶nbXp sIm­mhWw A\q]v Ic¡ncp¶p shŨm«¯nsâ kuµcyw BkzZn¨p. AcaWn¡pÀ hn{ia¯n\p tijw R§Ä XncnsI aeIbdm³ X¿mdmbn. Xmtg¡p 1.30 In.an.bpw apIfnte¡p 1 In.an.bpamWv Zqcw. apIfn sNIvt]mÌn\Sps¯¯nbt¸mÄ 5.00 aWnbmbn. \à XWp¯ kw`mcw AhnsS hn¸\bv¡p h¨n«p­v. 20 cq]bmWv hne. 
tNm¡teäv Sn..
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Regular touring spots usually offers nothing to its visitors. On the flip side, they might even kill one's appetite to travel with age old and ugly tourist wooing tactics. So better don't plan your trip to such destinations.

Direness in tramping un-trodden paths is essentially what required to make a trip memorable. By moving along highways you will find nothing. So try tuning yourself to nomadic ways at least for the time being. You might then start feeling the vibrancy and thrill in being a traveler. However, what really counts is your mental toughness and attitude to life.

Hey, don’t be in a hurry. Before setting up your backpack, try remembering one thing. Backwaters and houseboats are not the utmost things Kerala offers.Gods own country is also blessed with umpteen secrets. All you need to do is open up your eyes. There are spots on this paradise that are less familiar, but astonishingly beautiful and with potential to provide extreme sporting experience that one always dream about.

So don't let your heart compromise on any options, especially if you are a Cochite. Open up your eyes, and you find as many quality locations as you like, all inside a span of 50 kms.

‘THOMMANKUTHU’ is one such spot. Distant 60 km from Ernakulum railway station and 80 km from the airport Nedumbasseri, the place will give you both beauty and beast in a single package.

As the place is yet to find its ways to touring charts, Thommankuthu is at least for now a virgin, where one could enjoy green nature at close quarters.

Cascading down the hill in seven steps, with a pool at each step, falls at Thommankuthu is exotic. It offers a view that shies many others of its kind. It is such an eye candy sight that one would always treasure it in his heart for years to come.

If you like swimming, then move like a fish through those shallow pools, filled relentlessly at one end by those foamy and chilling mountain blood. When exhausted, rest yourself at the feet of those giant trees guarding the pool along its shores.

But remember, we are here not just to cool and rest, but to lock horns with the wild wilderness of virgin nature.

So, let us make our muscles stretch. You can now start scaling the treacherous mountain heights that give birth to the cascading falls. A fully fledged 12 km stretch of trekking path is there for you to tramp on.

The climb will provide you with the fun for a life time. You will find not only the mesmerizing beautiful virgin forest land, but also the intimidating flip side of Mother Nature.

There are giant trees dancing to the tune of winds, all the while painting blue skies with dark clouds. They murmur and swing their heads relentlessly and in tandem. Make your ears sharp and hearken to those strange, distant noises echoing around breaking rock silence.

The place will make your heart transformed to that lone traveler who told you once, Woods are lovely dark and deep, but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep.

Above all, what makes Thommankuthu endearing is its cost effectiveness. One could explore all those scenic treasures at a price as low as 500, if you like riding a motorcycle. You may make it expensive as well, with your choice of transportation.

From Thodupuzha, it takes a 20 km drive to reach the foot steps of the Thommankuthu wild life sanctuary. You may also catch a bus from Thodupuzha to reach Thommankuthu directly. As there are so many restaurants and hotels available food and accommodation won’t be a problem.

Nearest airport is Nedumbassery, It is about 80 km distant, while the nearest railway station is equidistant (60 Km) both from Kottayam and Cochin.

Fishing and horse riding are the other pass times available for fun at Thommankuthu.

There are certain things in this world that need to be felt rather than said. On the top of the world feeling a motorcyclist gets while rolling along the streets come rightly under this category. Thirst for this one great feeling was the only thing that kept myself gyrating yet again for a motorcycle ride.

I insisted only one condition. This time I should choose a place easier to reach, so that I could send more time enjoying nature. Our search was for a place that could paint our imaginations with greenish meadows, milky water falls and rocky mountain slopes. 

As always, it was Sandeep who started pumping in touring ideas. A little after, Pachan and Kuttu joined forces. In a short while, our strength reached four. yes, now we are a team of eight legs and four wheels.
We all started sifting through locations with in the 50 Km perimeter. It was kuttu who came up with the idea of 'Prakrithi Gramam.' Kuttu is very familiar with the place and likes to visit it yet again. Pachan has also been to the place once, but he barely remembers any thing. So in a way, Pachan is as fresh as us.

Kuttu gave an encouraging briefing of the place. 'Prakrithi Gramam' according to Kuttu is an well gifted place on the outskirts of Vazachal. Vazachal, as you all know, is a gushing waterfall on the Chalakudy River, Thrissur.
A trip plan was shaped up. we are to ride on two bikes, have food along the way  and return by evening 6-PM.

We were particularly thrilled with one thought. At least the trip would get rid of us from the all hectic, dusty roads of Kochi. Ezhattumugham alias Prakrithi Gramam is a call for us to enjoy nature. 

We started off by around 8.30 AM. I was riding with 'Pachan', while sandeep was paired with Kuttu. After filling the stomach our riding machines with enough petrol we began wading through the heavy traffic of Kochi. On NH-47 it is not easy to escape gutters. We felt as though we were doing some treacherous 'Viga Land Ride.' Remember NH-47 is one of our best highway that connects the Capital city,Thiruvananthapuram, with rest of Northern Kerala as well as with Karnataka. Despite its prominence, it still remains as one of the poorly maintained road system in Kerala. 

Though we were getting tired, the thought of milky waterfalls was making us energetic. After suffering to an extent of 45 km, we finally diverted out, leaving highway for good.

However, the final 15 Kms was different. The road was smooth as glass and brand new. we began floating along impossible curves and sharp hair pin bends with ease. The road cut through forest, plantations and rocky mountain slops. The view was so refreshing that all our fatigue vanished in a flash. We also found several way side shops and restaurants to dine and rest.

But we made a small flaw. We were supposed to take a right turn at Black Thunder water theme part, but we missed and went on straight adding another 15 km. More than half-an-hour was lost. At last when the sign board of Ezhattumugham welcomed us in, it was almost midday. 

We parked immediately and soon got lost in the refreshing sight of the plush green vegetation along the mountain slopes. It was so cool that we filmed it several times. The mountain stood like an ancient saint,meditating deeply and solemnly.
There was certainly an aura surrounding the place. what not was there. Cool breeze, endlessly flowing sparkling water all lay romantic. Along the shoulders, a garden was there gifted with many scenic settings.

There were small waterfalls and the water beds were shallow allowing up to swim around fearlessly. From there we could see green islands and smooth rocks keeping their heads out in neck deep water.
There was also scope for a little adventure. Since there were no beaten path to  any of those lonely islands, it is not easy reaching there. but we may still do it with some cautious efforts. But, have to extra careful. After a little bit of exploration we too found a shady, watery spot to cool our selves.
It was fun staying under water poking our heads out of water. The water was ice cool and flowing with moderate power. We spent hours and felt totally lost in the mystic beauty surrounding us.
At last the time came for us to leave. It was almost five in the evening. We decided to start back to be on schedule. Ezhattumugham was a one-off experience that filled us with all the joy of Mother Nature.

“Beyond the east the sunrise; Beyond the west the sea
And East and West the Wander-Thirst that will not let me be;
It works in me like madness to bid me say goodbye,
For the seas call, and the stars call, and oh! The call of the sky!”
-Gerald Gould

Thanks to the great poet who instilled in me a longing for journey and I must tell you, there is nothing other than an adventurous trip that can make your life fizzy. If the trip is on bike you would be a body with an ecstatic heart.

As a person who loves bike riding, I prefer trips on bike to hill stations as it can make you feel the real adventure in going on wheels, and feel the fresh nature of your destination as well. The last trip I had on Rozinante -my bike - was to Vagamon, a hill station situated in Idukki district or literally a beautiful young woman.We, a group of six decided to explore her and started our trip towards Kottayam from Vytilla – a place in Ernakulam district – without much preparation other than a thirst to see and ponder.

"It would take merely four hours from Vytilla to get there at normal speed" - a taxi driver guided us. Thoughts of unexplored splendid valleys helped us not to drink on the way even though we carried two bottles of rum with glasses and all necessary ammunition to fight with the chilling cold there. The road is very tough to travel as I said earlier and we started to inch, taking each hair pin bends with precession.

At some view points we stopped to see the whole drive way we covered that looked like a zig-zag line. View of the up coming mountains were also astonishing, with waterfalls here and there that seemed like chalk strokes of a divine hand. Below on the road, we saw vehicles inching up like a line of ants or as the poet said , little butterflies but with different colors. (to be continued...)

As a person working lengthy night shifts, it was really required for me to sort out a way to shed my tiredness. Discussion with friends resulted in the wonderful trekking trip to the enchanting water-falls of Dhoni.

Situated in the Western Ghats, Dhoni is one such place in Kerala where travelers could watch nature at close quarters. The reserve forest and its surrounding mountains are rich with wild life including elephants, tigers, deer etc.

Obsessed with the idea, we soon flocked at the drawing table developing a trip plan. Now we are a crew of 5 with a guide in the form of Anoop (colleague), who knows Palakkad and its premises better.

The Way

We started our Journey on one fine Saturday morning. Considering the comfort level, we opted railway as our primary mode of transportation. We ( Anoop, Dipin, Praveen, Mirshad and Shijith)set our first destination as Shoranur.

Luckily queue at the ticket counter was not that lengthy and we easily found our seats in the Intercity express frequenting between Eranakulam and Kannur. Shoranur was half way between. By the time of departure, the train was almost filled. We, however, were comfortable at our window seats, which helped us to snap shot some of the way side views. Dipin came prepared with a 7 mega pixel Cannon power shot, while others depended on their two mega pixel mobile phone camera's.

From Shornur to Olavakode

We reached Shoranur by around 9 am. After having a quick breakfast from a vegetarian hotel near by, we soon boarded our train to Olavakode from where Dhoni is just 15 km distant. It took roughly an hour to reach Olavakode.

As private bus services connecting Dhoni and Palakkad town were rare, only option left for us was to reach the nearest point to Dhoni called railway station colony, which just 5 Km away from Dhoni. After a small bargaining, we hired an autorickshaw with fare fixed at Rs 50.

The rickshaw made a flying start, with the driver exhibiting certain acrobatic skills on the road, escaping gutters. The ride really tested my strength, as Anoop and Dipin was applying their weight pushing me to the corners of the vehicle.
The ride ended at the foot hills of Dhoni and we were heartily welcomed with a light, cool, refreshing drizzle. coolness of water oozing from the heaven removed all our fatigue. We were also fortunate enough to find a friend of Shijith, to help us around.


There is a check post of Department of forest at the foot of Dhoni hills. After paying nominal entrance fees we inched our way up to the waterfalls of Sapal at Parasuramkundu. Personal vehicles and Plastics are not allowed inside the reserve forest.

It would take a four kilometer trek through the dark, tree covered jeep way, winding up the hill to reach the waterfalls. We, however, opted to be adventurous by taking the steep climbs in between, saving us several minutes of walk. But each climb made us tired requiring us to rest at least 15 minutes. There are plenty of small streams gushing down, so we never felt thirst.


On our way, we met Varghese and Thomas. we met them at the end of one of our steep climbs. While having some water from us, Varghese said, “Once we were ardent travelers like you people. Now, in our 50’s, our body is not resonating with our mind. Beyond all, our beloved friend is not with us too. He ended the journey of his life a little while ago. However, we are trying to maintain our passion, which actually keeps us alive."

After a while, leaving them behind, we went on with our steep climbs, which was making us tired too. Just then the idea of music came on. Energized by some rocking hits of Michael Jackson played out of mobile phone speakers, we made our climb a bit faster.


Leeches were a major threat to our climb. They were in huge numbers, making it difficult for us to walk forward. We have had to halt several times to free those blood sucking things from our legs.

The waterfalls

Turning a corner, suddenly our hearts started pounding with the grumbling of water whipping hard on the rocks. The walk way lead us directly to the starting point of falls. Now we were standing above the falls. We wet our feet in the cool gushing water flowing over the walkway. Even though, the water is a bit slow at the begininig, it gathers huge momentum as it flows down the undulating slopes, incarnating it self as the famous Dhoni falls.

Since we were warned of the danger hidden in the falls, we decided to wet our body at a safer place other than the water falls. The rocks were slippery, which took a toll on Anoop and Dipin. Dipin ended up breaking his finger nails, while Anoop found his Cell Phone damaged with water.

Malampuzha and Meenvallam are also close to Dhoni and it is possible to reach there walking through the dense forest.

The return

Our walk back, down to the foot of Dhoni started by around 4.30 in the evening. As we went past the forest station, we were lucky enough to catch a bus riding straight to town. KSRTC got frequent services connecting Cochin with Palakkad town. We boarded a bus to Thrissur and from there to Cochin.

Now, when the trip ended, we could only say Dhoni and it falls, the light drizzle all fills us with some fine memories that could be cherished for ever.

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