My Favorite Photos

A Cloudy Evening: Taken just before it started pouring down in buckets, View from Alappuzha, Paravoor

A man rushing away holding his catch: View from Fort Kochi, Ernakulam. Fisherman used to dock their boats to sell of their catch at the dock of FortKochi. The sight is very rich with several onlookers and boats full of fishes all set in the backdrop of 'Cheenavala' engrossed in the golden ray of setting sun. 

A macroscopic view of the microscopic world. This is photo of the weeds growing around the garden of my house.

A Deer wandering around in the Deer park of Thripunitura Palace. The palace sprawling in an area of around 55 acres is a vibrant view. The palace sitting atop is surrounded by a splendid garden circling down to the bottom of the hill. The palace houses a Park that is abounding with deers.

This is small cave like opening seen in the premises of Thripunitura palace. It is featured in several malayalam films.

Shot on the way to Kozikode from Intercity Express

Snapped from inside the forest of silent valley hills

Shot taken from Silent valley

These are some of my favorite photos taken using the camera of my Nokia 7210 mobile phone.

Fort Kochi

Cheena vala: Fort Kochi



marine drive


Marine drive


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