“Beyond the east the sunrise; Beyond the west the sea
And East and West the Wander-Thirst that will not let me be;
It works in me like madness to bid me say goodbye,
For the seas call, and the stars call, and oh! The call of the sky!”
-Gerald Gould

Thanks to the great poet who instilled in me a longing for journey and I must tell you, there is nothing other than an adventurous trip that can make your life fizzy. If the trip is on bike you would be a body with an ecstatic heart.

As a person who loves bike riding, I prefer trips on bike to hill stations as it can make you feel the real adventure in going on wheels, and feel the fresh nature of your destination as well. The last trip I had on Rozinante -my bike - was to Vagamon, a hill station situated in Idukki district or literally a beautiful young woman.We, a group of six decided to explore her and started our trip towards Kottayam from Vytilla – a place in Ernakulam district – without much preparation other than a thirst to see and ponder.

"It would take merely four hours from Vytilla to get there at normal speed" - a taxi driver guided us. Thoughts of unexplored splendid valleys helped us not to drink on the way even though we carried two bottles of rum with glasses and all necessary ammunition to fight with the chilling cold there. The road is very tough to travel as I said earlier and we started to inch, taking each hair pin bends with precession.

At some view points we stopped to see the whole drive way we covered that looked like a zig-zag line. View of the up coming mountains were also astonishing, with waterfalls here and there that seemed like chalk strokes of a divine hand. Below on the road, we saw vehicles inching up like a line of ants or as the poet said , little butterflies but with different colors. (to be continued...)


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